Today I am officially 33 weeks pregnant. I have no idea what that is in months. Since months don't really tell you much I tend to ignore them, plus one "month" has an extra 2 weeks in it to make up for the first two weeks after your LMP so the whole month thing is just silly anyway. If you didn't understand that last sentence don't feel bad - it means you're lucky enough to have never read one of the countless books on pregnancy (the worst offender is What to Expect When You're Expecting - horrible book, I wouldn't recommend it to any pregnant woman. Dr. Sear's The Pregnancy Book is 1,000x better).
Anyway. 33 weeks. So I have 7 weeks left until my due date and 4 weeks left until I'm technically full term. Since due dates are estimates and based off of a 28 day cycle they're not generally very accurate. Although my EDD is based off of my ovulation date (since I'm weird and know exactly when I ovulate - down to the minute) my EDD should be pretty accurate. Although who knows. This baby may decide that he/she doesn't need the "extra" 3 weeks of baking and is ready to meet the world sooner rather than later. Or he/she may decide that my uterus is super-awesome and decide to stay in until Kindergarten.
I'd rather deliver at 37 weeks than go "overdue" but since I really don't have any control over when I go into labor I'll just have to take what I get.
Tomorrow I have another appointment with our midwives (I feel like I just had one - well, I did... two weeks ago). It should be uneventful.
I really, really, really, should be writing my research paper for this class. School has me a little stressed out lately - there's just so much I need to do before the baby comes! Ok, back to work.
10 Year Photo Challenge
6 years ago
Sending labor dust for 37 weeks!!!!