In the afternoon we picked up Bryan at his office and went to a country club where he and his coworkers got their pictures taken for the website. Judit, the kids, and I went - and I brought my camera so I could get some pictures of the kids & Judit.
I bribed Bubby with a quarter to dress up. Judit and I think he looks ADORABLE. Bryan thinks he's going to look back on these pictures and say "I can't believe my mom made me wear that!" Maybe it'll be both. You decide :)
In his pirate shirt with suspenders |
Bubs & Judit |
He's totally in love with her. He's both very sweet and a little mean, just like most boys are when they're in love! We went out for ice cream after dinner and he was very concerned that we had left her behind since she say in the back of the van and he couldn't see her from his carseat. Once we got there he kept asking where she was until he got out of the van and then he held her hand as we walked into the ice cream parlor. He's really, REALLY going to miss her.
Penelope and Judit. Penelope has started using the "Nicolas Black smile". |
This smile is totally my brother. It was one of his more hilarious phases. I think it is funny, cute, and a little frustrating. The frustrating part is that I want a nice, genuine smile - not an angry grimace. But she's 4, so whatevs. She's still adorable.
My children insist on laying on top of me all.the.time. |
I really should have taken my sunglasses off. Oh well.
My sweet almost-5-year old |
Relaxing in the shade |
He needs a piece of straw between his teeth and he's Tom Sawyer.
Lifting the kids while his coworkers look on |
I like this one because it has my 3 favorite people in it :)
More fun with Daddy |
In order to capture a genuine smile from my husband, he can't know he's being photographed... or at least, it can't be posed. He's an incredibly handsome man (and a great dad) and so this picture gets all of that. Plus I'm amused by how amused his coworkers are with his shenanigans.
Hugging Daddy's leg - his new favorite pasttime |
Griffin's new thing is to hug our legs and not let go. Makes for cute pictures. Not really for getting anywhere on time.
Playing |
They really do love each other. And I love them.