*Sitting up
So Penelope has started sitting up on her own! It's generally only for 30-90 seconds at a time, and she tends to lean forward like she's doing baby yoga but it still counts! Tuesday night Linden's dad (Nick) took a picture when we had people over for "traditional St. Patty's Day fajitas" so when he e-mails it to me I'll post it.
*Shots, round II
Tomorrow we go in for our next round of shots. I'm annoyed with our pediatricain's office because during Shots round I, I asked for certain shots and P's immunization record isn't marked with one of the ones I chose. So either they gave her the wrong shot OR they marked it wrong on the immunization card. Either way I'm Not. Happy.
*Diaper rash and why it is my mortal enemy
I have tried everything to get rid of Penny's diaper rash. Well, practically everything. I have some new suggestions from friends and we see the Pediatrician tomorrow so between the two we should hopefully have this cured by the weekend. She doesn't seem bothered by it, but it frustrates me to no end...
*The importance of friends with kids
I love having friends with kids, especially when they're around Penny's age (I love my friend's older kids too!). It's nice to have playdates where the babies can "play" and the mommies can talk in complete sentences for once :)
*The importance of friends without kids
It's easy to get so wrapped up in parenthood that you neglect friendships with your childless friends (I dislike that phrase tho - it implies that there's something wrong with not having kids). Anyway, Bryan and I are going to make more of an effort to stay in touch with our friends who don't have kids - I want them to be a part of Penny's life too and sometimes it's nice to talk to someone who doesn't have kids. It's a different perspective...
*Books everyone should read
There are a lot, but right now I'm reading Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen. It's about all the things your History book got wrong about U.S. History (and many of the things it omitted). It's absolutely fascinating!
One last thing: Last night Penny slept from 8:30am-6:30am! We're hoping for a repeat tonight, but I won't hold my breath.
PS - I want this: http://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/e203/index.cfm?pkey=xsrd0m1|16|||0|||||||baby%20food&cm_src=SCH
Some cute:
10 Year Photo Challenge
5 years ago
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