For the last couple of nights Penelope has been waking up twice a night, usually at 2 am and then at 5:30 before she's up for the day at 7:30 or 8. She actually gets more sleep (cumulative) when she does this, but I don't think it's quite as restful.
The last time this happened, it was for 5 days and we got 2 teeth at the end of it. But Bryan and I have noticed that she also seems bigger lately... significantly bigger. So maybe she's going through yet another growth spurt.
I hope it's teething.
There are about six 12 month sized outfits she can still squeeze into, but we're pretty much in 18 month.
I have to schedule her 6 month well baby check up soon, should be interesting to see just how big she's gotten!
So this weekend has been fun, Saturday was my Dad's graduation (he got his BA in Anthropology from CSUS) and Sunday we had some people over for an improptu BBQ. More later, today Miss P is going to Granny & Grandpa's so Mommy & Daddy can go see Star Trek in IMAX.
10 Year Photo Challenge
6 years ago
18 month clothes!?! Are you putting Miracle Grow in her bottles???