This is Penelope's new game. Stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up... you get the picture. All. Day. Long. She doesn't need much assistance, just a little something for support - this is usually my chest. And the child has quite the grip (and sharp Sabertooth claws; well she used to, I cut them today). So my poor chest has been pulled, grabbed, and otherwise abused all day today - and not in the fun way.
Anyway, we have my cousin Macy staying with us for the next few days. She's on summer break, and I enjoy the free child labor (kidding!). Today we went to music class and to the pool, tomorrow we're having lunch with my mom at her office and probably going to the pool again... it's been nice to have someone to help get Penny out of the car, give her a bottle, or play with her for awhile so I can do important things like blog :) Plus Macy is pretty awesome - so it's nice to have someone other than Fussy McPants to talk to all day.
Speaking of little Miss, she has also decided to join in on conversations. Currently she enjoys chatting about "rarara", "vavava", and "bababa". I swore I heard her say Mama today, but she didn't say it while looking at me so I'm not going to count it as a first word. I'm pretty sure her first word will be either "hi" or "doggy" since she liked the "h" sound and is obsessed with Harley-Quinn.
AND... WE HAVE TOOTH #5!!!!!!
10 Year Photo Challenge
6 years ago
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