Tonight Penny was more than a little uncooperative at bedtime. All she wanted to do was play with the Princess camera we got from my Aunt (it's pink and says things like "you look as pretty as a princess!" when you click the button).
She LOVES that damn camera.
Anyway, the only way to get her to sit still during post-bath diapering and dressing was for Bryan to madly click the camera button, pretending to take her picture over and over again like on a professional fashion shoot. She just sat there and GRINNED. It was like she had been transported into baby heaven - someone was taking her picture!
In fact, it was the only way I've been able to brush her teeth this week without a fight. She's getting the last of her canine teeth and she no longer enjoys teeth brushing... so at least it was easy to brush her teeth.
But man... we birthed a diva baby.
She MUST get that from her Daddy. ;)
Oh, and can I say - our dog is GASSY tonight and it's DISGUSTING.
So this afternoon I started having pretty regular contractions. They weren't as intense as labor contractions, but were very similar to the contractions I had in the day leading up to Penelope's birth. So I spent the evening on the couch, drank a lot of water, and called my midwives. They said dehydration is a likely culprit, and also the full moon - the full moon will intensify contractions so if I'm already a little dehydrated and having Braxton Hicks contractions then the moon will only make them worse. They also want me to take cranberry on a regular basis to make sure I don't develop a bladder infection.
After about an hour on the couch and a lot of water a tea, I feel better. The contractions aren't regular or as intense... in fact, I think they've stopped for the night. The baby is moving around a lot more, and he/she wasn't moving when I was having the contractions. So I'm taking that as a good sign.
I attempted to send my contractions to my friend Bobbi whose due in 2-ish weeks but is full term, uncomfortable, and already 3cm dilated. So hopefully they made it to her and she goes into labor tonight so we can all meet baby Evan soon!
I'm sure I have more to update - there's always more. But How It's Made is on and I love that show.
10 Year Photo Challenge
6 years ago
omg, G is obsessed with her little camera too! It drives me nuts, the songs it plays are so obnoxious.