So. Weaning.
The plan had been to wean Penelope entirely off formula and bottle by the time "&" arrived. Ideally before March.
Well, I'm rethinking the plan. For the last month Penelope has been down to just one bottle before bed, and after it's over she would get pretty upset. We've had to switch the routine up since visiting the dentist (I knew we would have to eventually but didn't want to deal with the hassle). So now instead of just before bed she gets her bottle before her bath (and after we clean up toys - she now helps us pick up the living room every night, she's pretty good at it too). Then bath, teeth brushing, and bedtime. Bryan rocks her to sleep (she and I have a hard time finding a comfortable position together - which is a little sad, I love it when she falls asleep on me).
The first night she cried after her bottle was done, tonight she held on to it for awhile and chewed on the nipple before I took her to the sink and we put it "away". No tears this time so we'll have to make that our routine.
At some point we'll deal with finding another way to go to sleep... one of these days it would be nice to just tuck her in and have her fall asleep on her own. Maybe once her new room is done and we put her in the big bed we'll work on that. Or not. We'll see how it goes with two little ones at bedtime. We'll adjust as necessary depending on what the kids need/respond to the best.
Let's see... what else?
I'll be 28 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I know I've probably said this before, but some days this pregnancy seems to drag on forever and some days is feels like it's flown by. Today is one of those drag on forever days. Although I'm SO not ready to have the baby yet. We're not even close to prepared and I'm not ready psychologically/emotionally to have two "babies". I'll be ready in two months. Maybe.
Oh - there's an elimination communication class at MSN next month and I'm going to go. I haven't decided if I'm going to try EC, but I'll at least get more information. I bought P a potty chair last week and have yet to take it out of the box. I've been meaning to at least start putting her on the potty whenever I pee just so she gets used to it, but haven't actually done so. I just don't have much motivation to add anything new into our routine.
Although Sarah and I are going to attempt to make our own BumGenius knock-offs so I won't have to worry about running out of diapers once "&" gets here. I got some really cute prints for them and I'm excited to see how they turn out.
Alright, time for my 8:30pm snack. I had some fat free pudding for dessert, but I'm hungry (again) and I may have to have some cereal to tide me over until morning. I swear I'm eating more with this pregnancy than when I was pregnant with Penelope.
10 Year Photo Challenge
6 years ago
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