Anyway, Lisa's class is a lot of fun. Pen plays with egg shakers, bells, drums, wooden frogs, scarves, and more. For the past month Lisa's been bringing bellydance skirts for the kids to use as percussion instruments and today Penny was ALL ABOUT the skirt. She really wanted to wear it, and we obliged... and then she didn't want to take it off and got very upset when my hands got anywhere near the tie.
It was pretty cute, she'd dance and stomp and shake to the music - she really loved that skirt.
Luckily I brought my camera, so here's Penny the amateur bellydancer:

And here she is the other day with Linden and Sophia - the three kids were hanging out on Sophia's bed after she woke up from her nap:

And Penny and Daddy playing dress up. Bryan asked me not to post this picture, but it's too damn cute - sorry B! :)

Tonight I'm off to see Bon Jovi :) Hooray for concerts when you're pregnant! I saw New Kids when I was 8 months pregnant with Penelope, so I'm continuing the tradition with "&".
adorable pictures. she needs her own belly skirt!