I've been meaning to do a real update for awhile, but it's been hard to find the time to sit down and actually write one out. I probably should be working on TPA 1, but I'm so burnt out right now. Thursday when my Dad has Pen I'll be able to focus and get it finished - I'm about 3/4 of the way done.
If I remember correctly, TPA 2 is a lesson plan and I have a bunch of those already written so hopefully I can take something I have and modify it to fit the requirements of that particular TPA. Lesson plans aren't too terribly hard to write, even with the 1/3 + model they ask for (which means I have to specifically consider the needs of the top 1/3, middle 1/3, and bottom 1/3 of students).
I'm hoping that both TPAs will be done by the end of next week... which is a week before my due date. The moment I get them turned in this baby can come. But not before. NOT before.
Luckily I haven't been having too many contractions lately. The more I exercise (i.e. walk or lift Penny) the more I get, so I've been limiting those activities. This, of course, makes me feel like a huge lazy pregnant house. This last stage of pregnancy is neither comfortable nor sexy.
I did get the maternity proofs back and I like them, Bree is a great photographer... although the pictures of Penelope are the best :) She's so photogenic.
Although since I haven't posted a pregnancy picture in awhile I owe you one. Here's one from today, I'm 37 weeks 5 days. And then there's a picture of me @ 38 weeks with Penelope for comparison.
So lately people have making comments like "you've gotten so big!" and "are you sure there's only one?" and "wow, you've really exploded there!"
Let me just state that none of these things are ever, ever, ever ok to say to a pregnant woman. Ever. The ONLY thing that is appropriate to say to a woman whose 38 weeks pregnant is "you look great". ONLY THING.
Anyway, our next prenatal is tomorrow and I have a feeling it will be pretty boring. My blood pressure will be low, the baby's heartbeat will be in the 140 range, and he/she will still be head-down and in my pelvis. I don't get checked unless I ask and since it's only 38 weeks and I'm not having regular contractions I don't see the need to ask to be checked. Maybe at 39 weeks if I'm having more contractions.
I still don't think I'll make it to 40 weeks, but I could be wrong. It's just a feeling, not based on anything concrete. We'll see! We were going to put together a betting pool for date/time/gender, but I don't know if it'll happen. I have my TPAs to finish and Bryan started school last night, so we're both just trying to keep our heads above water.
There's probably a lot more I could update about, but I'm drawing a blank. Time to put away the computer and finish crocheting a hat for "&".
10 Year Photo Challenge
5 years ago
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