Tuesday, February 15, 2011

10 month stats

Griffin went in for his 9 month check-up a month late, but here are the stats.

Height: 31.75 inches
Weight: 23.4 lbs

At this age, he's taller than Poe (she was 32" at 1 year) and weighs less (by about 4 lbs). So he's tall and thin, just like his dad.

Everything else looks good. Although he's had these tremors a few times. Most of them are just like shivers when you're cold and last maybe a second, but last week as he was falling asleep he had an 'episode' that lasted almost a full minute. His eyes were closed, no fever, and he hasn't had one since. The Pediatrician wants us to keep an eye out, but she says that it probably isn't a seizure. We need to look for rolling eyes & fevers if it happens again. I hope it doesn't.

A nurse friend of mine said the tremors are pretty common since babies nervous systems are still developing. So I'm not really worried. He seems fine after each one and the night of the longer episode it didn't wake him up and he slept ok.

In other Griffin related news, he's chatting up a storm now. Constantly babbling. He's also getting braver & more steady when standing up without support. He loves to walk when you hold his hands and I'm sure that he'll be walking in a few months, if not sooner. Hopefully he gives us a few more months though :)

Oh! And we're still nursing! 10 months and counting. I never really expected us to make it this far and I'm really happy that we did. I wish we could eliminate formula, but we still have to supplement - and probably will for the remainder of his first year (+ a few months after I guess). But hey, every little bit helps.

In other news, I've lost 13lbs. Still a ways to go until I get back into pre-pregnancy shape, but it's a start!

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