Saturday, December 19, 2009

Can't sleep

I didn't sleep well last night. And I'm up early - Penelope and Bryan are still sleeping, which is good since Penny didn't sleep well last night either. She's been tossing and turning, waking herself up, and fussing in the middle of the night. Tylenol doesn't seem to help (assuming it's teething)... she is a little congested, but not horribly so - maybe it's that? Other than the congestion she doesn't seem sick, and even if she is sick we've seen worse. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse because I don't think I can handle anything else. Unemployed, pregnant, AND a sick toddler? That a recipe for a very, very, stressed out mommy.

I think the reason I'm having problems sleeping is due to money worries. I didn't get any sort of severance or notice so we're more that a little screwed. Hopefully unemployment kicks in in time for us to pay our bills, but that won't pay me my full salary so we'll still have a gap (and that is, of course, assuming that I get unemployment benefits). So the next few weeks will be a balancing act.

This weekend I'm going to look into getting Penelope on SCHIP or some other government sponsored healthcare program. Hopefully Bryan and I will qualify as well so we stay covered since we can't afford to make our next month's insurance premiums. Luckily Pen was able to see her Pediatrician for her 1 year appointment before I lost my job so that's good.

I should probably go in an get this sinus infection taken care of while we still have coverage...

So much to think about, so much to do!

There's a lot more I need to get out, but baby's awake and it's time to start the day...

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Penelope's Growth

6 years: 50 inches, 47 lbs
5 years: 48 inches, 42 lbs
4 years: 43.5 inches, 41.0 lbs
28 months: 39 inches, 33.1 lbs
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21 months: 37 inches, 31.8 lbs
18 months: 35 inches, 30 lbs
15 months: 34.25 inches, 28.8 lbs
12 months: 32 inches, 27.1 lbs
9 months: 30.5 inches, 25.1 lbs
6 months: 29 inches, 21.2 lbs
4 months: 28.5 inches, 17.13 lbs
2 months: 24.75 inches, 12.12 lbs
At birth: 20.75 inches, 7.15 lbs

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