I was in labor :)
I was actually hoping Penny would come on the 4th, mainly because I was really tired of being pregnant - I had been hoping all that week she'd make her appearance. But she held out for 3 1/2 more hours and was born on the 5th. So happy labor-averssary to me.
Last night Aunty Bonnie & Uncle Omar came over and celebrated Penny's birthday a little early (they're currently on their way to Vegas and left at 4am this morning, ick). So Penny got in some birthday practice, she opened a present AND I was even Super Nice Mommy and let her have a little *real* cake! She ate almost none of it and made a giant mess, so on her actual birthday we've decided to just give her a regular ole cupcake and let her smash that since it seems to be more fun than actually eating it (this has been Bryan's position all along, but it took me awhile to come over to his side).
So here's a few pictures from last night. I have video as well and will upload it as soon as I get a chance...
10 Year Photo Challenge
5 years ago
total adorableness. i love messy cake pictures.