Yesterday was Penelope's first Christmas party :) We met up with some of our baby/mama friends at Kim & Orson's house (notice how the Dads always get left out here? I didn't say Kim, Matt, & Orson's house - just Kim & Orson). Anyway - the babies played, the mommies ate, and then we had a baby white elephant gift exchange. Basically we set the presents in the middle of the room and had a baby free for all.
It was pretty funny to watch. Some of the older babies (ones who've had their first birthdays) knew what to do with the gifts, but the ones who had yet turned one weren't quite sure what to do first. Penny picked up a wrapped present, pulled it onto her lap, and proceeded to gently unwrap it; at least until she had a good chunk of wrapping paper in her hand and then she attempted to eat the paper.
Here's some pictures:
After the mess, the babies fought over toys (I don't have any pictures of that, so here are some of them playing earlier in the day):
I love this one, Penny and Orson decided to mob me at the same time
And then we took pictures with Santa:
I had better get used to this look of Penelope's... I'm sure I'm going to see a lot of it in her teenage years.
Today is Penny's 1 year check up! I love her visits to the Pediatrician, mostly because I love getting her measured (I know, it's weird). She's not as much of a fan, but that's because it means shots. I don't know how many she's going to get today - but I'll post later on & update her growth charts.
I'm sure there's a ton more I could blog about, but it's hard to keep track of all the new stuff she I'll leave you with a picture from last night. She made a royal mess during dinner so we stripped her down to play until bathtime - I call this series "Hillbilly Baby" Enjoy!
10 Year Photo Challenge
5 years ago
OMGosh!! I love her teenager-face!!