Actually, this is my fault.
So I know that I have chronicled Penny's love for the Lady GaGa. A love which I don't quite understand, but whatever. I certainly don't hate LGG, but she's a "small dose" musician/artist/freakshow/whatever. I cannot listen to her for an hour straight, no matter how much Poe would like to.
So I downloaded a bunch of kids songs to break up the GaGa-ness that occasionally invades our house. Pen really seemed to love the kids CD Kim & Orson have so it seemed like an excellent idea at the time.
Until now, when I'm finishing up my Thesis and listening to music... and f*ing children's songs, with the annoying tone-deaf chorus, screaming in my bloody ear. Yeah, not such a good idea.
I also have x-mas music on my iTunes because (shut up) I like x-mas music. Only it is March and damnit, I do not want to hear the Glee cast sing "Oh Christmas Tree".
F*you iTunes.
But then, when I skip the latest round of kids and x-mas music, iTunes plays "I'm on a Boat" for me.
Ok iTunes, I love you again.
10 Year Photo Challenge
6 years ago
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