Leia is a motor mouth. Most of the time she talks just to hear the sound of her own voice. Maybe she'll go into politics.
Some of the things she says are funny. Mostly they're just funny to us. Often times it's a "you had to be there" kind of a thing.
But I want to record some anyway, because I'm her mother and it's my blog.
Sunday Vader got a new hat (Twins, his new AL team - the Giants are still his NL team). Anyway, every time she saw the hat she would say "Nice hat Daddy!" and then, because she felt the need to compliment me as well, she would turn to me and say "nice glass-eyes Mommy!" (she calls glasses glass-eyes. how literal of her). When bath-time rolled around and Vader was seen without his new hat she asked him "where's your hat Daddy?"
Today, after nap. "Mommy, look at me!" she then proceeds to run around the living room babbling in her unknown silly language.
She now calls Luke "Chewbaca"
She also unfailingly polite, after I fix her hair, or give her lunch/snack, or really do anything she says "thank you Mommy!"
She's also taken to handing out compliments in general. Whenever I dress in front of her or put on a hat or necklace she comes up to me and says "you're beautiful Mommy!"
I love her. Love.
10 Year Photo Challenge
6 years ago
I just have to say the pseudonyms are confusing the crap out of me. ;)